Hope Communities

Hope Communities is thrilled to announce that we were awarded with the 2021 Eagle Award from Housing Colorado, which represents one of the highest achievements within the Colorado housing community!  The Eagle Award for Programs is an incredible honor, recognizing outstanding service programming that directly impacts our affordable housing clients and the broader community.  We have always worked hard to make sure our clients were getting the services they need in order to thrive and be successful community members, but especially last year when those needs changed drastically, our approach to addressing those needs necessarily evolved.

We take pride in meeting people where they are, and providing the specific resources, services, and skills they need to advance toward their personal and economic goals. In fact, we believe this customized approach is at the core of our equity work and helps each individual access opportunity from a more even playing field.

There is no one-size approach to help people on the path to economic and personal success, so we offer a variety of programs: after-school tutoring, arts & crafts and other programs directed toward youth developmentfinancial programs and training, digital literacy classes, navigating public benefits, and even addressing mental health issues. Our property staff work hard to create a sense of community, build social networks, recognize and respect the cultural richness of their neighborhoods and engage in civic activities as available.  Language equity plays a big part in achievement in all these categories, which is why Hope has made such a big commitment to employing navigators and other staff with language and cultural competencies – again, to make sure each person has the resources they need to thrive.

This recognition of our commitment to affordable housing and support services comes at time when Hope is purposefully investing in equity among staff and clients.  It is gratifying to know that peers and experts across the industry see the excellence in the holistic program we offer. You can learn more about our work on equity here, on our website, and more about Housing Colorado here.