by admhope | Feb 21, 2021 | Stories of Hope
Karna joined our community in 2014 when he immigrated to the United States. Born and raised in Bhutan, Karna owned and operated a successful farm with his wife and children. He had large fields of corn, lemon and orange trees, and more than 50 head of cattle....
by admhope | Oct 29, 2020 | What's New
A core value of Hope Communities is Integrity. Because we understand the need for financial transparency and accountability, we are always happy to provide documentation to demonstrate how we are responsibly managing and protecting investments in Hope to fulfill our...
by admhope | May 11, 2020 | Newsletter, COVID-19
With the Coronavirus crisis, many throughout our communities are learning what Hope Communities has known for 40 years: our social safety nets are not supporting the need that exists. So many people throughout our state, our country and our world are living on the...
by admhope | May 11, 2020 | Newsletter, COVID-19
A message from Sharon Knight, President & CEO of Hope Communities There has been a groundswell of acknowledgement for the essential workers helping all of us get through this pandemic. I am so grateful for the medical teams, grocery workers, first responders, and...
by admhope | May 11, 2020 | Newsletter, COVID-19
Hope is working diligently to help residents who have lost their jobs or had a reduction in wages as a result of the virus to secure emergency rent funds. Many residents have service industry jobs that have closed down, and do not pay workers who cannot be on the job....